Speaking at the WebContent Conference in Chicago June 6-7

I jus received this promo material for the WebContent Conference, so I'm passing it along.
What I really like about this event is that it encompasses many topics and offers something for everyone. Seriously, Duo Consulting has brought in some heavy hitters and Captains of industry to share their knowledge with the attendees. Follow the links and see what it has to offer you. 

Duo Consulting presents: Web Content 2010 Conference, Chicago, June 7-8
Connecting Content to Results
Register before April 24th and lock in our great discount:
Pricing - One Workshop: $195; Conference: $395; Conference and 2 Workshops: $695
Every day, your users are flooded with content that's been created and delivered using outdated, ineffective tactics. It's time for a change. With a solid content strategy you'll deliver the right information, to the right people, at the right time. Hear from national content strategy experts at Web Content 2010 Chicago, June 7-8! See all presenters »
Featuring Doug Vann
Doug Vann Doug Vann is a nationally known Drupal expert. His presentation A Drupal Immersion for Not-for-Profits and Small Businesses, will teach the fundamentals of how Drupal can work for you. Individuals responsible for directing their organization’s website strategy (especially those on a tight budget) should find this afternoon valuable. You will learn why Drupal is used on numerous high profile websites including Whitehouse.gov, Recovery.gov, the Discovery Channel, Forbes, Yahoo, and The Onion.
Register June 7-8, 2010 · Chicago, IL · Gleacher Executive Conference Center
WebContent 2010 is sponsored by Duo Consulting, Acquia, and The Content Wrangler