There is a rather interesting event coming up in a few weeks that I wanted to make you aware of.
Smaller Indiana is a group I belong to at It is put together by Pat Coyle and runs on the NING platform. By the way. The Ning social publishing platform is quite nice. What Pat has done with it is truly amazing.
Smaller Indiana had the idea some time ago to do an event titled, "Smaller Indiana, Bigger Ideas." The event is taking place Wednesday June24th from 1pm to 5pm in The Athenæum Theatre 401 E Michigan [where I used to be the audio engineer] A number of the attendees and speakers will be heading downstairs to the Rathskeller afterward to socialize.
Why am I going?
Those of you who know me know that I am not one to attend the Ra Ra Ra events where we're told to Go Out & Get Your Dream Realized, etc. I have been to those and while they are interesting they are not practical. Nor do I necessarily want to hear someone go on and on about how they worked hard all there life and went from poverty to being a PhD in Astro Physics.
What I do like about the Smaller Indiana, Bigger Ideas event is that:
a] You can name your own price to attend.
b] Across the 4 hours I will hear many different kinds of speakers from different backgrounds with different messages. These people have something to say about BIG IDEAS and the role those ideas have had in their lives.
c] I expect to meet some fascinating people there. The "Guest List" published on the site, has some heavy hitters on it. While this is NOT the typical Networking Event, there will be opportunities for networking and if you know me, you know that I make time for networking!
d] IDEAS IDEAS IDEAS. I am full of ideas right now. I have spoken with many of you and I hear your ideas as well. I want to listen to the speakers and the attendees and the guests and hear what happened to their ideas. Look at the speaker list and tell me if you would listen to this guy or gal if you were standing in a long line at the bank. I know I would. I especially like the wrap-up at the end where John Ketzenberger: Business Columnists, Indianapolis Star will moderate a panel discussion among many of the speakers talking about what all was said. Check out the speaker list at
As mentioned. Smaller Indiana knows that times are tough and rather than have a 1/2 filled hall they have opened up seats for "Name Your Own Price." That's pretty cool actually. I may have to use that one some day for an event that I produce!
2008 ROCKED for me and my livelihood, my skill sets, my family etc. I am looking forward to getting OUT of my own bubble and listening to others talk about their ideas and experiences. Seriously. I am anxious to gain some new perspectives on what people are doing or have done.
Will you join me?