Flying out to Dallas for DrupalCamp Number 9

A Drupal Junkie's Tour Is Never Done!

In 2 hours I fly out to Addison TX for the 1st ever OPEN CAMP at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. The list of impressive, high profile speakers is too daunting to even begin to list here, so check it out! My session is Saturday at 4pm entitled UBIQUITOUS DRUPAL. I will be revisiting the same talk I gave at SouthEast LinuxFest back in June and adding some more back end intro material to it.

The 7 tracks available are in keeping with the camps goal to truly be an OPENCAMP i.e. a camp that is open to different solution methods for designing and building today's highly functional websites. The tracks are: Common, WordPress, Joomla, DrupalCamp Business/Community, DrupalCamp Developer, .Net, and Multi-Media.

When I arrive this evening I will be witness to the Army Golden Knights performing an exhibition jump. And if you didn't catch that, this is where people jump out of perfectly good airplanes! After that it's off to the Crowne Plaza Hotel for the mixer where some lucky guest will get a free dSLR camera!

Why Open Camp?
This is my 2nd multi-platform conference this year following my presentations at the annual CMS EXPO. What I like about these all-hands-on-deck conferences is that we really do strut our peacock feathers! We talk over interpretations of GPL, APIs, community sizes, who's using our CMS, etc. All in all its a pretty friendly exchange. I imagine that many people will attend not knowing which CMS they will want to use. For this the CMS ShowCase at the beginning of the event may lead some to decide which track they want to follow. And I'm sure that some will mix and match although I'm not sure to what end. I love events like these but it can be severely overwhelming for the uninitiated attendee who is simply trying to wrap their head around the CMS world. Hopefully they have done their homework and have chosen a path that suits them then they show up at Open Camp and follow that path.

After this 9nth camp I have my 10th 3 weeks later in Ashville NC, followed by the 11th camp in Atlanta thanks to PrometSource, then my 12th Camp in my own home town. It will be  ablast to finally provide quality Drupal Training in Indianapolis Indiana 



Doug - Great presentation on Drupal! Thanks for answering a few of my questions and participating in the camp. It was definitely worth the drive from H'town. Hopefully we'll see you next year.

HI Doug!

Great presentation to get me started. I'd REALLY like to win the free hour seeing as we are beginning a website for a church! The sitemap is huge with numerous roles, sections, etc. It's going to be a challenge!

I hope to hear from you!

Jean McClelland