ANNOUNCEMENT: I am now working at Exact Target!

Where in the course of DRUPAL events it becomes necessary for one Drupalista to dissolve the loose-fitting bonds of freelance and business ownership and to assume among the powers of the internet, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of blog post commenters requires that I should declare the causes which compel me to this separation.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen... I am declaring my independence from independence and taking a full time DRUPAL position at Exact Target!

That is to say that I am trading in my sweatpants and fireplace adorned office in my home for a desk in an office amidst the hustle and bustle of downtown Indianapolis! And who could lure me away from such trappings and under what conditions?

Exact Target hires Doug VannExact Target is a huge email marketing and interactive marketing provider headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana. I don't have all the facts yet but I know we have offices among three buildings downtown including some directly on the historic Monument Circle. They are going ALL IN for Drupal and they want some one on the inside who has the width and depth of Drupal experiences that I have. I do know that one big project will be to move the flagship site off of DotNetNuke and onto Drupal. I am told that there are many international and multinational sites needing developed as well.

Exact Target recently spent over 100MM purchasing iGoDigital and Pardot which tells me that this company is well positioned for some serious international market penetration and value added services to existing clients at home and abroad. It's a fast growing and fast moving company that wants to leverage Drupal for all the reasons that I love Drupal. 

Marketing companies and the web are old friends at this point. From the most casual user of the web to the junkies, we all interact with web based marketing in its many many forms. We can expect that the players who are innovative and stand out will seize the day. I look very forward to actively participating in Exact Target's efforts to provide value to its clients and to reenforce the brand within the OpenSource community and beyond!

I'm not going anywhere! You can expect to see me at DrupalCon Portland along with some fellow Exact Target employees. As visible as I've been in the community for 5 years, you can expect that I'll be taking Exact Target with me as I continue to engage this awesome community! 


As the CTO of a Drupal powered startup looking to integrate with ET in the near future, this is very exciting news indeed! Looking forward to seeing Drupal get the position it deserves in Exact Target integrations.

Great news! I'm very happy for you. Can't wait to see what you can do with a big company backing you.

Good luck Doug! I know you'll be a huge asset to these guys.
