
ANNOUNCEMENT: I am now working at Exact Target!

Where in the course of DRUPAL events it becomes necessary for one Drupalista to dissolve the loose-fitting bonds of freelance and business ownership and to assume among the powers of the internet, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of blog post commenters requires that I should declare the causes which compel me to this separation.

A user asks, "What are 5 Drupal strengths that other CMSs or frameworks don't have?"

See the  question and answer at

I love it when ppl directly ASK me to answer a question on I also enjoy when someone on LinkedIn sends me a direct message asking me to chime in on a discussion they started. I'm always quick to jump in and share my thoughts.

Here is my response to the question:

A recruiter asks "What exactly does a Drupal Developer do?"

Over on the "Drupal Developers" group at LinkedIn, a recruiter asked the timeless question, "What exactly does a Drupal Developer do?"

YES! I was SO excited that I dashed of this mini [or NOT so mini] essay as a response. BUT it wouldn't fit in LinkedIn's character limitations so I'm creating a blog post about it instead. :-)

2012 Blue Drop Awards Winners Announced

It started as a good idea,
Then it picked up momentum.
Companies and individuals donated time and money. Nominations came in followed by the votes.
And there it was;
We didn't know what to expect. Would any one nominate sites? Would anyone vote? Will the DA support it? Will the community support it? Will anybody really care?

The 1st LIVE, OPEN Drupal Association Board Meeting. An observers perspective and reactions.

On Thursday March 22nd, 5pm at Denver DrupalCon, following the closing session, the Drupal Association had its regularly scheduled Board of Directors meeting. Different this time was the presence of many onlookers who observed the proceedings as guests. The room filled out nicely with over 50 seated and the chair-less seeking the best place to stand. The format was switched up a bit to accommodate and recognize the many interested guests in the room.


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